A couple of weeks before my birthday my mom called and asked, "How would you like me to come visit you for you birthday?" I immediatly started crying for joy because it was right in the middle of when Jeff would be out of town for 2 weeks. (This year will be the 6th year in a row he would miss it). We had a blast together. Went to the Craft fair at the Expo center, shopping, crafts, movie, dinner, lunch, long talks, basketball games,and a visit to the Festival of Nativities, (one of our favorites, I love going every year around my birthday and is a wonderful start to the holiday). She helped me cook, and clean and did my laundey. In fact the twins said, "She didn't come here to do your laundry mom!" I know but that's just what moms do. I consider my mom my best friend and she always uplifts my spirit. This year she was truly an angel. I told her she was my saving grace. (It's always terribly hard when Jeff leaves for so long) Thanks mom!! You're the best, I love you!!!