So much happened in the month of June, and I won't be able to blog about them all. But here a few fun things..

We took Jeff to a baseball game (Father's Day gift), where Jefferson paraded on the field with his team.

Enjoyed Brynn's ballet recital, Aladin. I love watching her dance, it brings tears to my eyes.

Watched the amazing Dance Festival, Firm Foundation, twice. The girls were amazing, all the dances were amazing and the spirit was so strong. I wish I could have watched it a third time. And of course, I cried at this dance performance too.

Took a last minute quick trip to Utah, to be with Tory when he went through the temple. Wonderful!!!

It was the end of preschool for Marc and the whole class sang songs for the parents about bugs. It was adorable and Marc can't wait to be in the 4 year old class. He's already asking about when it will start.