Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude

Have the mid-winter blues (aka NW liquid sunshine, winter gray/blues) got you down? ME TOO!!! I hate feeling crummy and like I don't want to get out of bed. I don't make New Years resolutions. But I am trying to step it up and be better in all areas, nutritionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. So, to try and combat the "depressional blues", I have started a gratitude journal. Nothing fancy I just try to write at least one thing about my day (simply on my calendar) that I appreciated. (My family does this for the month of Nov. and it helps) Here are some so far.
I am grateful for...
Day 1 Family get togethers at the Jacksons and my sister getting engaged
Day 2 A quick nap in the afternoon after getting up at 5am to play with the dog, help and see my girls off to seminary and excersize.
Day 3 Twins basketball and Girls night out at the movies (Leap Year)
Day 4 Marc singing "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam"
Day 5 the kids helping me destress by putting me in bed and bringing me a healthy dessert (apple with a touch of ice cream sprinkled with cinnamon)
Day 6 being able to jump on the trampoline with Marc on a sunny day, then on to making cupcakes with him (he loves to stir with the new red spoon he got from X-mas bingo)
Day 7 Visiting with friends that I've known for 10 yrs and spiritual discernment
Day 8 when prayers are actual conversations with Heavenly Father
Day 9 yummy homemade stew
Day 10 Nursery rhymes coming to life.. I felt like the Pied Piper today when I started on a walk with my 3 kids and ended with 3 more neighbor kids... fun, fun, fun!!!


  1. A gratitude journal is a great idea! When you write down something daily it really makes you realize how blessed we are! Hey maybe we'll get some sunshine today!

  2. I am so grateful for so many things right now I wouldn't be able to think of just one thing each day.
